Pokemon Go: How to Catch Mew


Mew is a rare and elusive Pokémon that can be difficult to catch. However, if you follow these tips, you'll have the best chance of catching this special Pokémon.

First, make sure you have a strong Poké Ball. You'll also want to stock up on Great Balls and Ultra Balls, as Mew is very difficult to catch. If you're lucky enough to encounter Mew, try to keep the Pokémon calm and slowly lower its health until it's weakened.

Then, throw your Poké Ball and hope for the best! Mew is a very difficult Pokémon to catch, so you'll need all the luck you can get.

If you're lucky enough to encounter Mew, try using different size Poké Balls to try and catch it. If you have a Great Ball or Ultra Ball on hand, use those to attempt to capture the Pokémon. Keep in mind that Mew is very difficult to catch, so you'll need all the luck you can get. If all else fails, try using a Master Ball. Mew is notoriously hard to catch, and the Master Ball is the best chance you have at capturing it. Make sure you stock up on Master Balls before you go hunting for Mew!

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Tricky pokemon event Pokemon Go

If you're looking to capture a tricky event Pokémon like Mew, make sure you have the latest version of the Pokémon Go app and plenty of Poké Balls on hand. You'll also want to stock up on Great Balls and Ultra Balls, as these Pokémon can be difficult to catch. 

Where can you find Mew in the game map and what are its characteristics

Mew can be found in certain areas of the map, and it has a number of unique characteristics. Here are some things to keep in mind when trying to catch Mew:

When trying to find Mew, be sure to check the map for specific areas where it is known to appear. These areas may change over time, so be sure to check back frequently.

Mew also has the ability to transform, so be careful if you encounter it in the wild. It can take on the form of any other Pokémon, so it can be tricky to catch. However, if you're prepared and know what to look for, you'll have the best chance of catching Mew.

How to use the "Sightings" feature to track down Mew in your area

The "Sightings" feature is a great way to track down rare Pokémon in your area. To use it, open the Pokémon Go app and click on the "Sightings" tab at the bottom of the screen.

What happens after you catch Mew - does it disappear from the game or stay available for future catches

After you catch Mew, it will disappear from the game. However, you can still keep it in your collection if you catch it again. Although Mew is a rare Pokémon, it's not always difficult to find. Be sure to check the map frequently for areas where it is known to appear, and keep an eye out for any signs of this elusive Pokémon. If you're lucky enough to encounter Mew, don't hesitate to try and catch it!


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